The design and coding of a todo-app.
1 week (2025)
To design and code a responsive todo-website with the main functions such as adding and checking tasks, and saving tasks in local storage.

Visual identity
Momentum is a sleek and professional to-do app designed to motivate and organize the user's daily tasks. The visual design features a dark gray background with light gray details and an orange accent color, which serves to energize and inspire the user. The task list is cleanly structured with clear checkboxes, and once all tasks are completed, a subtle confetti effect provides satisfying feedback. The interface is minimal yet effective, ensuring smooth navigation and a clear visual hierarchy.

Code process
During the development process, I have deepened my understanding of React, particularly using hooks like useState and useEffect to manage state and local storage. I implemented dynamic lists where users can add and check off tasks. Additionally, I created a custom hook to store tasks in local storage, ensuring that the to-do list persists even after refreshing the page. By utilizing map(), I learned how to dynamically render lists, and with onChange events, I managed interactivity.